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7)e verborum Jignificatlone.


TORT, Et non reafon, un-reafon, wrang, and unlaw, Stat. 2. Rob.Br. c- Item quod nulla. 17. Tort in the French toung, is wrang or iniurie: Un- Vnlaw. Jaw cummis fra on, Trivativa particula apud nos ej* Germanos, eodem-mo- do quoin, apud Latinos, and law,orlauch,2tf'e/Hex: Quafi fine lege, vel contralegem, vel quod non jure fit. IusNormand. Lib.\2.cap.i. Aftiones ofwrangeatrd unlaw, appearis to be civill aftiones, and aropponed to Aftiones criminall, touching life and lirri. Stat ■ ^lex.cap. Si quis 9. Cum jeqq. Leg. Mai. Mak- c.4.

TOSCHEODERACHE, ane office or jurifdiftion, notunliketoah Baillierie, fpeciallieinthellesandHielandes. For 9. Mart. 1 554. Neiil Mack-neill, difponed andannalied to lames Mack-Oneill, the Lands of €j a,and utheris with the Tofchodairach of Kintyre. Some alleagis to be ane office pertaining to execution of fummonds- Lib. \. cum autem. 8. Qiion. attach, c: S i ali quis 49. Sik as ane quha fummondis, attachis, or arreiftis ane uther, to compeir before ony judge. Stat. Dav:c:6. Uthers underftands the fame to be ane Crowner.lji.4. c.Raptus 9. Laft.fumme underftandis it to be ane (earchour,and taker of thieves,and limmers : For King Evenm did ftatute,that in findrie Schireffdoms, there -fuld be findrie fearchours of thieves,reivers,Sc of them that lyis in wait in the hie-itreetes, and commoun paffages. He&or Boetiti6,Lib.2. Lib.Io.^berrans (inquit) Tecus,aut Domino furum judagatori ( Tochederauch valgus appellat ) aui LMntncilti- Sacerdoti reddito : quodfi triduum apud te retinuer is ,furti rein efto : In the teres. Civill Law they are called , Latrunculatores. Leg. So!emus.6\:ff: delu-


TIMBRI^ Tellium, leg: Burg: cap: Capitulum. 13$. ^neTrmmer of skinnes: That is, fwamonyas is inclufed within twa brcddes of Tim- mer, qubilk commounlie conteinis fourtie skinnes : In the quhili maner; merchandsufis to bring hame Martrik, Sable, and uther coaftlie skinnes and furringes.

TlMBRELLUS, Dicitur parvus Cetus, ane little Qtihaill. Le. Foreft. c:Si quii cetum. 17. deludic.c: 27.

TINNEXLUS, Deludic.c: 27: Leg: Foreft. c. Si quis Cetum. 17. The fca-marke,uther-waies in Englifh Tyde-mouth. That is, the farreft parte, quhair thefea tyde flowis. Littus quo jcilicet fluxus bybexnus marismaxi- musexcurrit, hoceji, quantumcunque mare aliquo tempore plus extenditur in hyeme vel ceftate, tantum eft littus ejus. § ■ Flumina. Et xhi Gl: Inftit. de rer. divif.

TR^iSTIS. Jam- 3: par: 14^:99. Signifies ane roll, or Catalogue, conteinand the particular dittay, taken up upon malefaftoures, quhilk with the portuous is delivered be the jufticeClerke, to the Crowner, to the effect the perfones , quhais names are conteined in the portuous, may be attached, conforme to the dittay, conteined in the traiftis. Por like as the portuouscomprehendis the names of the perfones indited ; fwa the traiftis conteinis the kindes of dittay, given up upon them, quhilk is fwa called , becaufe it is committed to the traift , faith, and credite of the ClerAes and Crowner; quha git they be truftie, and faithful!, fuld nocht reveale, deleete, change, or alter the famin. Jam. 2. p. 6. C- 2%.

TRIBULA, Leb. Burg, cap- Si homo 16. Ane Flailequhair-with corn isthrefhen, ^lterendo, quodfrumentumterat. Like as Tribulus is called ane thriffell, andTriMfi»janePeftell, quhair- with fpices, or ony uther ihingisbrayed inane morter: Barbara magisquam Latine , [ecundum %ifitatumverfum apueris in fcholis decantatum : Tribulus threfiilljaflaill, ium qitoque peftell.

TUERNAY, Qjtidfit, valdeambigo, ty hie aliorum avid'e expeBo ju- dicium. In the Burrow lawes- Cap.Quilibet.i+. Si uxor alicujus fuerit talumniata de al quo, inplacitis Burgorum utitur Tuernay : That is, as in the auld Englifh buik.the husband may do richt for his wife, in courtesof Burgh. Mtde judic. cap. cum quando. 28. Si quis fuerit implacitatus coram jujhtiario domini regis, vel alio ballivo, fidominus ejus, vel ejus Ballivus xenerit C allegaverit proipfo indebita hora, poteft recuperare curiam do- nnnifui. Et fipernegligenttam fuam respondent ©- dixerit tuentynay de omnibus fibioppofitis plane re fpondebii, cr fie amittit curiam Domini fui. Tuentynay. i„ quibufdam lihris legitur Twentynay. Itaque conjicio efte antiquum ver- bumforenfe, quo reus utens, intelligitur approbate judicem, adeouteum poftea declinare iwnpofiit.

VADIUM, Yadimonium, from ane auld vrox&eveddum, ufedinthe Britton Lawes: In Latine, Vignus, in French, Gage, quhilk we call aneweddc- Immobile vadium, fignifies immoveable gudes,fik as landes annalied and wadfet under reverfion : The profites quhairof, computan- tur infortem, That is,ar compted and reckoned within the ftok. Swa that the famin being paved in lifc quantitie as extendis, and is equivalent to the qmntitie of theftocke, and principall fumme: Thereby the principall furame, isefteemed, as compted and payed, quhilk is called Moriuum vadium. Bot now the contrair is maift commounlie ufed in the prafticque of wadfettes and alienation of landes under reverfion. -^nd be the aulde law ofthis Realme, is called ocker and ufurie- and zit be the famin, was permitted and tolerated. Lib.s-c.6 Quhidder the commoun forme of wad-fetting of landes now ufed under reverfion, isleafum or unleafum. •mi: Iaf in'L: cunBospopulos.C- defumma Trinitate. Et Chef: in Confue- tud: Burgund: Rub: 5: §. 1. 2. In auld times, I finde that quhen landes war wzd-Cet:, nomine pignoris, or ad immobile vadium ; The profites and rentes thereof were given and difponed be the annalier, to the buyer, for fumecertainereafonablecaufcs; fik as, pro confilio ,vel auxlio impenfo, vel impendendo;to the effcft,that as the buyer bruikis the landes, ex dfpofi- tionelegis, fwa he micht have richt to the profites thereof, ExpaftoV convention homtnis. vtd. Reverfion. vid. Sterlingus. vid. Mon-gage. VADIARE ducllum: lib: 4: c: 2: -4 vadii datiene, to enaft battel),

Immobile va- dium.

as in the Englifh lawes, be giving of pledges, baith bee the perfewer and defendar, before the juftice and his deputes. The perfewer is faid, vadi- areduellum: Cuhen after leave asked and obtained from the Kingj hee offeris to proove in plaine fkldjal to be trew, quhilk he affirmis, & to that effeft, offeris ane Wad or pl.edge: And the defendai is underftand to va-*- diare duellunt, quhen he denyis all quhilk is fpoken bee the perfewer, and affirmis the famin to be' falfe and untrew; and thereto offeris his bo- die to fight with him; aridaiie wadde or pledge to that effeft. de judic. c 61. c- 86. TAolineus. ftil. cur. Tar. part. 1. c. 16. St author traftatus de Corona, ^ppellatus {inquit) defendet latrocinium, feloniam, C totum faBum per patriam , vel per corpus fuum,f ecundum eleilionemfuam, prout curia confideraverit,aut vardaverit. Si autem elegerit fe defendere per cor- pus fuum : vadieturinter eos duellum. Et appellatus det Vadium defenden- di, ey appellant det vadium difrationandi. Bot TbilippusTulcher, of France, difcharged all fingular combattes, and all finding of pledges, there-anent. Molinaus. D. part.i. c. 10. de duello, in this realme, the ap- pealer and defender caftis their glooves till utherj quhilk reprefentis the finding of the pledge.

VAGABOND, is called properlie, ane quha hes na certaine dwel- lingplace. Guide Tap* qv.eft. 202. Ter Gl. 1. & Bart.l %.\. Traitor, ff-de damno infeBo. duhilk is verie fpeciallie declared in the aft of Parliament, la. 6 p 6. 20- Oftob.c.74.

VARDA, ane French word G or keiping: For we uferthe letter W. quhair the French men ufis the letter G-As wardaine, for Gar. daine, Warderob, for Garderobe : Warrenne for Garrenne- And the warde cuftodie, and keipingof the aire, haldand his landes be fervice of warde and relieve,' perteinis to his immediate fuperiour, quhilk is con- forme to the Lawes of tHormandie. Lib. 5. c 10. Quhair-anent thir rules after following, fuld be obferved, and worthie to be noted. The warde The ward and cuftodie of lands, haldenbe fervice of warde and relieve, perteining pertei*i, to to ane aire, being Minor, and ofleffe agej audit, and fuld pertc/'ne to the tht [uperkm. Over-lord and fuperiour of the faidis landes, quha within the time of of the warde, mayprefent Ecclefiaftical perfones to Kirkes vaikand:fuld fufteinehoneftlie the aire: and fuld nocht onelie pay the debtes, aucht- and be the defunft:Bot alfo aske 6c crave all debts auchtand to the defunct, or to the aire, and perfew and defend all aftiones competent to him: Bot he may nocht deftroy nor annalie ony part of the landes. Lib. 2. cap. Ple- nam 42 c. Reftituerit. 44. vid. Relevium. vid- Hawbert. The /,,;,,;„, „f

Touching the cuftodie and keiping of the perfon of the air of ward lands; the burner or of ony uther landes, orquhatfiimevermaill or femaill, gotten or borne yertemutu in lauchfull mariage; thefamin perteinis to the mother, after the deceafe themnhtr. of the father, untillthebairnebeoftheageof fevenzeirescompleit, con- forme to the commoun prafticque of this realme, and the civill law. L. 1. V Tot. Tit. ff.ubi Tupil.educar. debeat.

For be the Law of this realme, grounded upon the Climafterick zeircs of Septenarius ey Ternar'ms : That is, otfeven and three zeires j there is Ji"" id '" i " three kindes of age. The firft is of feven zeires, during the quhilk time thebairnes ar in cuftodie of their parentes. Thefecondis, of fourteene zeires, within the quhilk it is not leafum to marie- The third is, of twen- tie ane zeires ; after the quhilk time, ane aire may enter to his landes, annalie anddifponethe famin, ashepleafis. And before the quhilk time na perfon may be indited to the juftice aire, or accufed of lile and lim. Leg. Foreft eap.Nota quod. 1 5.

The keiping of the aire, being Minor, haldand landes of the King, per- teinis to him alia nevlie, albeit the faid aire have uther fuperioures of uther warde landes, elder and prior in time to the King: Quia rex nullum poteft habere parem, multo minus fuperiorem in fuo regno. Borgif ane aire haldis Kj"g. landes, nomine Burgagij of the King: And uther lands nomine warde c relevij, of aneuther fuperiour , prior, or pofterior to the King; the cufto- die and keiping of the faid aire, perteinis not to the King , bot to the faid fuperiour: Quia ratlone Burgagii Dominus Rex non prufermr alijs Do- minis capitalibus in cuftodia- Lib. 2.c. Notandum.45.

After the outrunning of the feaven zeires, and the aire beandof that Tl>' k! ! P'»g »f sgx, haldand landes of warde of ane fuperiour, and having na landes be '";'"' l" reafon of warde of the King: The fuperiour fuld be preterred, anent the f u t>, keeping of the perfon of the aire, to the mother, gud-fchir, tutour, zea, to the King himfelfe, and all uther perfones. Thefaxteenth oflulij, Ane thowfand,fivehundreth, threttie twa. Tenult- Tulij. ane thowfand five hundreth, threttie twa zeirs.The Abbot of 4birbrotbok, contrair Mari- oun Forbes. Twentie aucht of .Tulij, Ane thoufand , five hundreth twentienine zeirs. 'James Sandielandes ofCalder, contrair, EdwardSin- clar.

The cuftodie and keeping of the perfon of ane aire, haveand landes The elde/l fie- haldenofdiverfe fuperioures, bee warde and relieve, perteinis totheeld- perirmr upm- eft fuperiour, to quhome the firft homage was made: Orofquhomehee ^ e e f s '" t!l hes the eldeft and fivft int'eftment, or forme of halding. For al-be-it ilke * '"• ane of the fuperioures hes the warde of the Landes halden of him- felfe : zit concerning the keiping of the perfon of the aire , the principall and eldeft fuperiour, is preferred to all utheris, Lib.2.c.Re- ftituere. 44-

The keipingof the aire havand lands blenche, orin few-ferme, and alfo ward lands, perteinis to the fuperiour, be reafon of the ward, and not to the tutour, havand intromiffion with his blenche, or tewlands- 28. Ian- Thefuperimtr uar.TatrickHepburne, contrair Elizabeth Ker. it preferred to

Gif the fuperiour, havand the richt and title to the warde and mari- the tutor. age of ane aire ; difponis the warde to ane donatar, and the marriage to The u c , p i„ t ,f ant uther: The donatar, to themariage allanerlic, fuld be preferred in , ht a ; r[ ^ f„i_ keipingof the perfbne of the faid Minor, to the uther donatar of the ward, t owu the' andall ushers: Quia jus maritagij efl per fonalezy feqwtur pe>fonam. The richt of the keiping of the air, fuld never be committed to him, quha may claime or maruge. claimis ony richt of his landes and heretage: Or may immediatly fuc-

K eeede

The keiping of the aire, per- teinis to the