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Vkluaffires »inores valu

tii milites. v&jjhres


..,..'., c De ' verborum jigmficat'ume

ceede after him thereto. Lib. 2. c.haredes. \7.Hdtenim ratione illi pojfet prdberi occafio cdptanda mortis ipfi'us h&redis, quod eft periculofum & im- pium. Be the Lawes of this realm, the aire mail, and all his lands halden warder within ward arid keiping of his fuperiour, until he be of the age,of xxj.zeiris. And the airefemall,untill fhe be of the age ofxiii j.zeirs. M.p.s.c. 5 life.2..c.39-^-2' ( ^ c - c ' 6 t' : - I2I -Becaufethe!andesperteiningtotheairemailj ar fub jeft to the King, or uther fuperiour be fervice ; quhilk the Minor, be veafonofhislesageandzouth-head, cannot do. And therefore the King or fuperiour, wantand the fervice, hes recours to the land : that he may be ferved be the profites thereof, takin up to his awin lift; or be ony perfon to qurhome he pleafis to difpone the famin , untill his vafTall be of perfite age, and able to ferve. And the aire femail is in the warde and keipin<> of hir fuperiour , untill fche be fourteene zeires of age, as faid is. forfupp'ofe ane woman of twelve zeiris of age, be the civill Lawe may marie ane busband ; zit be the Lawe of this realme, fhe may nocht marie, until fhe be fourteene zeires compleit. At the' quhilk time, fche may lauchfully »arie,with confent of her fuperiour. Lib, 2. cap. Mulier' 48 . cap. in Cufto- 1frzr.90.And therefore fche being fubjeft to her husband ; It isnotreafon fche fuld bealfo fubjeft to the warde of her fuperiour ; and confequent- lie under twa wardes, and twa findrie feverall powers. Mair-over, fche being maried, with confent of her Over-lord ; her husband may doe fik fervice, as fuld be done to him be the poffeflbur ofthelandes: quhilkis conforme to that quhilk is written be Doct Thomas Smith, ofthecom- snounweil of England. Lib. 3.C.5.C. 8.

- TARDA Curite, quoniara attach, c.ubialiqua io.e.inomni.\%.c.nulU<4 '20. The imerloquutor or decreet of the court : Curia dicitur vardare, con- fiderare, pronunciare, in this forme. The Court counfelled, and advifed, And I. N. Soytour of it , be their informationes fayeth , that this Court counfelks aad I. award, that N. is in ane default for his abfence this day. The like form is ufed in the daily prsfticque, quhen the judge or clerk, be the mouth of the official- or dempfter decernis and adjudgis onie perfon to beinaneunlaw, for abfence or any udiercaufe. and-li'b.2.c. that quhilk is called verediBummfifx , inthefamin place, inlibroCarbreith, is called the waird , veredite , or deliverance of the affife. ■ - VARENNA, ane French word , ane Garene; That is ane place quhilk is dyked and inclofed for beaftes, cunnings or uthers, quo. attach. Cap. 29. Mod. Ten. cur.Cap. 2 1 . In latine Paradifus. And the keiper of ane cunningair or cunnings, is called an Garenter. infeodatus in liber am varen- nam, is nocht meikle different from infeftment, in liber am foreftam. The cjuhilA kinde of infeftment of auld is given to the Laird oiRofling his predi- ceflbures, of the barronieof Vechtland.

WARE, nw of the fea, ane word ufed In findrie infeftmentes, in latine alga maris. Ar in the latine proverb, abitBavilior alga. He quha is infeft therewith, may ftop and make impediment to all uther perfones, als-weil within the floud marke , aswithout thefamin, to gatherwair' for mucking and guding of their lands. Or to gather wilkes , Cockks^ Lempets, Muffels, fandeiles, fmall fifh, or bake, upon the fand or craiaes! foreanent his landes. 24. Maij. 1 5 49. The town of Carrail, contrar Grifell Meldrtim. Utherwaies gifony perfon be nocht infeft with fik priviledge, he may na waies forbid , trouble or moleft the King , or onie of his lieges to doe the premises : Or to win ftaines, quarrell, or to exerce onie uther induftrie to their awinprofite and commoditie , within the floudmarke pfthefea, quia ufus maris eft communis omnium. 29.1ulij. 1500. The Kin<* contrar the laird of Seafeild. Ware cummisfra an auld French word varect ufed in the lawes of Normandie. lib. c. vlt. Quhilk fignifies onie gudes or geare , caften out be the fea to the land, quhilk properlie we call the wrak of the fea.

VAS5ALLUS quafi bafallus , inferior focitn. From the French Bas. zsplusBas, in latine inferior. And the Dutch word Gefel, in latine focim. For the vafTall is inferiour to his maifter, becaufc he fuld ferve and reve- rence him. And zit he is in ane manner companion to him, becaufe ilk ane of them is mutuallieoblifhedtil mhers.vid.ajfidatiocr Cuialib.i. defend. writes that leudes leodes,ftdeles, homines no(lri,feuddtarij,minifteridles,bene- fciarii,benftciati,vafialli, almoft fignifies ane thing: And vafialhs, in Latine is cliens. Becaufe fik relation is betuixt dominus &• va]falus,as is be- tuixt^woKwrand diensMolinxus:nftil.cur.p.c.j6.pag.^S. Albeit Cuiacius affirmis the famin to be moniewayis different. And ane bas infeftment is quhen the vafTall annalies his landes, halden of himfe'fe and his aires, cjuhilkisane inferiour, private or fubalternc infeftmente. Inthelawes pfthefewesw^wr is called f delis, quiafidelitatem jurat, hefuldfwear to be faithfull and trew to his maifter. Amanges vafTalles , the firft place of dignitie is given to them quha are Duces, Marchiones, Comites, and are called Capttanei Regni. The fecond is granted to barrons and uthers of like rank andeftaite. And are called valvdforesmaiores. Thethrid ofthem, quha ar called gentilmen, or Nobles, haldand of barrons, quhalikewife may have under them vafTalles, alfo gentilmen : For ane gentilmanmay halde of ane uther. And fik vafTalles haldand in cheife of barrones, ar cal- led Valvafioresminores. And they quha haldis their landes ofthem, are cal- led vafiallt,valvafiinifeu minimi valvafores.lib. feud. natura feudi^. i.Bot in the lawes of this Realme.they quha haldis of Barrones are called indites, and they quha haldis of them.are called fubvafiores. vid.^4. mercidmentum.vid. Bdro, V Iacob. Cuiacium. lib.2. de. no minibus vaffallorum.

WAIFE beaft , p ecus vel animal aberrans, quhilk wanders and wa- vers without ane knawen maiffer.quhilk being found be onie man, within his a win boundes , he fuld caufe the famin to be proclaimed, diverfe and lindne times upon mercat dayes , at the paroche Kirk, and within the

Grenehuf. Viridarij

jchireftedome : Utherwaies gif he dcteinis the famin, he may be accufed for tmeft therefore. And it isleafum to the awner of the beaft, torepeate gnd challenge the famin within zeiranddaie. attach, c.efchet* 30 v.dTofcheoderacb. In the lawes of France, it is called efpave, quo fgmft.

catur omneillud qmd oheftat, Chefs, in confuet. Burgiid.E-ubric, 1. §. irferS. Kfpaues. In latine res pro dereliBo hahita. l.falfus w-ff.iefurt.: T.'pattti

WECHTES , meafures and diverfe kindes thereof, "uid. Serplditb. Reade likewaies aftifam regis David, De ponderibus <2* menfuris. la. 1 .p,4. c. 68.69.70. Ia,i.p.3.c.57.58.Ia.6.p.n.c.t)/f.

fTN YSOUN , ane worde, ufed in infeftmentes , a venando leu venationt , and likewaies commOnlie u f cc [ in the lawes of England, and fignifies licence and power to hunt, take, and "flay , of the Kinojs venifon within his Parkes, andForrefts. Quhilk utherwaies is nocht ka- fum, botisfharplie punifhed with ane grievous fyne , or be banifhment orprifon. leg.foreft. c.91. Quhilk isconforme to the lawes of England.

  • Anno. 9.Henr.2.c. 10. Botbethe difpofition of the Forreft lawes, it is

leafum to ane Erie, Bifhop, orBarronc, cummandorreturnand, throw the Kinges Forreft , at his command , to take ane , or twa beaftes, be the fight of the forresfter.gif he be prefent: and utherwaies he fall blow ane home, that he appeare nocht to take the famin thiefteouflie./ego./K/2.c.9o.

VERD , vert , from the latine viride : ane word ufed in Charters and infeftmentes, and alfo in the Englifh lawes quhair it is called Grene- hue, and fignifies power to cut gieene trees or wood. And beino commit- ted be them quha hes nocht power to doe the famine, is punifhed be the forefters, or vierders, quha are called Viridarij, in the Lawes of Norman- die and England. Bethe auld law ofthis Realme all forreftes commonly perteinedtotheKing: and the right ofForeftarie, was given and difpo- ned in thir wordes, in liberamforeftam. as is exponed in the word Forefta. Andaneofthepriviledgesor liberties, that is poteftasfecandi , licence to heworcuttegreenewood, was granted be the King be infeftement, and difpofition conteinand Verd- Quhilk libertie the King may graflte with- in his haill forreft , or onie part thereof, to onie perfon for fewell, or fyre, bigging, or for onie uther particular ufe. quhilk perfon may nocht abufe the faid forreft or wood, afterhisawin appetite and will, bot at the fight and difcretion of the forrefter, and uther ofEciares; or according to the forme and manner fet down, and limitate in his infeftemente and gift, as writis, lohn Tappon. lib*,. Tit. 3.

Secondlie, this word verd, may be taken for.power and licence of paf- turage within the Kings forreft, granted to him quha is infeft therewith quhilk in the Englifh lawes is called, the commoun of Herbaoe, and of uther thinges in the Kinges forreft, perteining to them quha are accuf- tutnate to have the famin. Cart, deJ0reft.c1Mag.Cart. anno^Menr.s.c.S. and juiftiment, herbage, agiftamentum cr herbagium. In latine, juspafecn- di pecoris, is quhair an tenent hes rightgiven to him of the feiding,graiW, or paftouringofhiscattel within ane park or onie uther ground inclofed. . VE.REmCTUMdfiifee.vid. Troponins, vid-Varda.

VERGELT, anSaxoaorDutch \vord,(vomver,ideftvirvel homo,&> Gelt, pecuniafive compenfatio, as vergeltfuris is 30. kye, and ane quoyach. lib^.cdeunoquoque. 17. Or 3 3. kye. Stat. Mex.c .de. unoquoque 34.

VILLEN AGHJM, villano, sklayerie or fervitude. lib, 2. e.Confeqtten- ter- ii.vid.Bondagium.

VlSNETUM, from the French word voifin, nichtbour, quafivoifinetum or Vicinetum, from vicinus, ane quha dwellis neare unto ane uther, or in the foure halfes about, from the quhilk cummis the French word, ufed in the Englifh lawes vicindge, and in the lawes of this Realme, afiifa de vi- cineto, is ane affife of nichtbours, or of the foure halfes about, vid afiila*

WH1TSONDAYES fet. la. 2.y.H.c.Orwhitfondayes making. la, 2. In the famin par. c. 90. Utherwaies called Whitfondayes ftyles. fluhilkis wer certaine conftitutions and ftatutes quhilkis frechalders, baith -fpirituall and temporall , and fpeciallie cpnventes of Abbaj'es , and relioious places , maid betwixt them & their tennentes before Whitfunddiefmfer- vice to be done to them , and better labouring of their landes, and pay. mentoftheirdewrie.

UNLAW, vid.^imercidmentum vid- Tort.

UNCTUMPoccoi-kw, fwines feame or fatnes. leg. burg.c.fiquis fciemer •j\.^4b ungendo, becaufe it is profitable for unftiones and I'mcerin". VOTH fignifies out-lawrie,w/ And in our auld Scottifh language ane vothnidn , is ane out-law , or ane fugitive fra the lawes. Mairover vouth , fignifies, perfued , calling, or accufation, from voucher, id eft vocdre, ufed in the auld French and Englifh lawes.

WRANG c unlaw, vid. Tort. To denie wcang and unlaw, isquhill the defender denyes that quhiU is objected to him, or quhairofhe is ac- cufed, and zit confefTes that he hes done utherwaies thenheauchttodoe, arid fwa hes not done his deuty for the quhilk he is reddie to make amendes and fatiffie the partie offended, leg. Burg.Cap. 10 1.

WREK, of the fea, ane word fpecified in the lawes and findrie infeft- mentes, quhilk fignifies power, libertie, and prerogative competent to the King, or to onie perfon, toquhome the famin is gianted be him bee infeftement, or onie uther difpofition/to intromet and uptake fik gudes and geare, asarfchipbroken, orfallis to him be eicheite of the fea. fluhillc libertie is als competent and profitable to him quha is infeft with wrck, as it micht be to the King himfelfe gevar thereof, quid reraBa pertinent ad dominum regem etmtdBd competent vdfidllo,ex dondtione regis pari jure afti- mdntur.leg.foreft, c, inter antiqua. 56. And in the lawes of England dnno. 3. £a.i.c-4. concerning wrek of the fea: it is ftatute that quhair an man, an dog, or an cat, efcapes quick out of the fchip, that fik fhiporbarg.nor na thing within her, falbe adjudged wrek, bot the gudes falbe fayed," and keiped be the ficht of the Schircffe.coroner, or the Kinges baillie, and de- livered into the hands of fik, as are of the towne, quhair the gudes were fund, fwa that gifonie crave the gudes within ane zeir andaneday, af- ter pruife, thatthey warehisawin, they fallbereftored to him without delaie- And utherwaies they fall remainetothe King. And the fchireffes, coroners, and baillies ofthe town, intromettourestherewith, falbe anfwe- rable therefore to the Kinges officiares, and quhair wrek belanges to an
