Page:The Laws and Acts of Parliament of Scotland.djvu/891

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De verborum ſignijicatione,

Uther then to the king, he ſall have it in maner above expremed. And quhaſoever dois utherwaies, and is attaynt, or convict thereof, he ſalbe impriſoned, and pay ane fine arbitrall totheKing, and the damnage to the partie. Siklike be the lawes of England, the King ſuld have the wrek or eſcheit of the ſea, throwout the Realme, Whailes, and great ſturgeons taken in the ſea, or els-quhair within the Realme. Except in certaine places priviledged be the King. anno. 17. Edward. 2. c. 11.

UTLAGIUM, vel vtlagatium, outlawrie, rebellion, diſobedience to the lawes, baniſhment, or forefaltour. Ia. 2.p.6.c. 30. For gif the King reſtores ex gratia, an man that is outlawed, or foreſtaled, he thereby recovers nocht his landes, bot be the gud will of his overlord, quia foriffactum, et utlagationem: D. Rex damnatis ſolet remittere: nec tamen aliena Jura quaerit nec poteſt infringere. li.-2.c.f oriffactum. judicib. c ſi per legem. 149.


YBURPANANSECA, it appears to be like that, quhilk is called the law of Birdingſck, for in ſum auld authentick buiks it is written. lib. 4. c.4. yburpananſeca. h. e De furto vituli vel arietis, vel quantum cibi quis portare poteſt ſuper dorſum curia noneſt tenenda. Sum affirmis in the Gaſcoin language, Pana,to ſignifie fuari, to ſteill,and panadour, to be ane thief.& it appears weill, Seca, ſignifies an ſeck, In latine ſaccus, quhilk word is commonlie uſed in all tunge sand languages amangs all people and nationes.


ZARDE. Ia. I. p.7. c.99. Is an kind of meaſure commonlie ufed in Egland nocht meikle different from our elne.ane zairde of land virgata terrae, in the Britton lawes, is ane meaſure of land quhilk in diverſe places is diverſe, ſumtimes of 20 aikers, ſumtimes of 24.& ſumtimes of 30 .aikers.

ZELDE, ane gift or donation, vid. Herrezelde.

ZEMSEL, of ane Caſtell, the cuſtodie, and keeping of ane Caſtell. leg. bur. c 3. For zeme, in our auld language, is to obſerve and keepe, as quhen intime of ſingular battell, they quha ſtandes by, and behaldis, ar comanded to keepe, & zeme the time of the derenzie, their weapons fra the handes of the appealer and defendour: In lib. feud, it is called feodum Guardiae, for Guardia, in latine custodia, & Guardiani cuſtodes to quhome Caſtelles and territories of landes ar committed in keeping, quhome we call wairdanis, as writes, the interpretoures of the fewes, and ſpeciallie, Zafius de feudis.par. 12. Nu. 7. And in this Realme landes annuall-rents, ordewties, given for the keeping of Caſtelles, are called caſtel-vardis.


ANE ADMONITION TO THE reader tuiching the buikes contenand the lawes of this Realme, and abbreviationes uſed in the treatiſe preceding.

I Have aledged in this little treatiſe, the firſt word with the number of the Chaptour of ilk buike of the auld lawes of this Realme, written before King Iames the Firſt, of gud memorie. Becauſe there is greate diverſitie anent the number of the chaptoures. Swa that thereby, there can be na ſure or certaine allegation. Bot gif the number failzie, the 1. Sc capitall word.will be ane ſure guide 8c convoy to the richt place alledged.

Leg. Mal. Mack. leges. Malcolmi Mackenneth. The lawes made be King Malcolme the. ſecond of that name, verie gud and profitable, bot few in number

Lib. 1. 'Lib. 2. Lib. 3. Lib .4. The firſt, ſecond, third and fourth buikes of Regiam maieſtatem, maid be King David the firſt. Swa called and intituled, from the firſt worde of the beginning thereofto the imitation of the foure' buiks of the Inſtitutions, of the civill lawes; quhilk begins Imperatoriam majestatem

Quo, attach qupnjam attchiammt, swa called, fra the firſt word thereof. Conteines the Barron lawes, and from the Barron courte, written in the time of the ſaid King David the firſt. modus tenendi curias baronum, an buik written in Scottiſh language, quhilk is not of great antiquitie as may be knawn be the ſtyll, & language thereof, and is not conteined in the auld buikes maiſt worthie of faith and credite, alwaies it is an interpretation of the buike quoniam attatchiamenta, maid be ſum man quha hes eiked & augmented ſindry things proffitable, for underſtanding of the forme of pieces uſed, in auld times.

Leg. Burg, leges Burgorum; The lawes of Burrowes, maid in the time of the ſaid King David the firſt, be relation and information of certaine learned men, quhome he ſend to uther cuntries to learne and reporte to him the lawes, and ordinances thereof, quhilk was done be them within the ſpace of twa zeires or thereby, as is plaine and manifeſt bee auld authenik buikes. And it is probable that he hes uſed the like forme and proceeding in making and furth-ſetting of the remanent his lawes.

Stat. Wilh. ſtatuta Wilhelmi Regis; Statutes, and lawes, maid be King William.

Stat. Alex, ſtatuta Alexandri, Satutes and lawes maid be King Alexander the ſecond of that name, ſonne to King Williame.

Stat. 1. Rob. Br. ſtatuta prima Roberti Bruyſe.

Stat. 2 Rob.Br. ſtatuta ſecunda Roberti Bruyſe. Quhilk ſtatutes and laws maide be him are co-incident, and for the maiſt parte conteinis the like, or ſamin lawes.

Aſſ. Reg. Da. Aſſiſa regis David: Lawes maid be King David the Bruyſe, called King David the Second: And in ſome buikes ar called, ſtatuta David Regis.

Stat. Rob. 3. ſtatuta Roberti Tertij: Statutes maid be King Robert the Third, Father to King Iames the Firſt, quhilk as zit remainis in the Regiſter of this Realme.

Leg. Foreſt. Leges Foreſtarum: The Lawes of Foreftes, quhair of the author is not knowen to mee.

Iter Camerlter camerarij: the Chalmerlain air: Quhilk (as ſome alleagis) was written and put in forme, in the time of King Iames the Third.: Albeit the ſamin Courtes, were frequent,and meikle uſed mony zeires before him.

De maritag. De maritagio. Ane little treatiſe, written be ſome private man, and is na-waies authentick. It is ſo called, becauſe the beginning thereof is. De marito.

Stat. Gild. Statuta Gildae. Certaine ordinances and conftitutiones, touching Burgeſſes, gild-brether, maid and conſtitute be Robert Durhame, Maire of Berwick, Simon Marſchels and uthers wiſe men, inhabitantes of the ſaid Burgh.

Leg.port.leges portuum,an treatiſe collected & written be ſum particular perſon, quhilk is nocht authentick, and conteinis ane briefe ſumme and abridgement of the auld lawes, and is ſwa called, becauſe it conteinis the ordinances anent the cuſtomes of ſhippes paſland furth of this Realm, or arrivand to the ſamin, laidned with merchandice, and the forme of cuſtomes, baith out-ward and in-ward.

De judic. De judicibus; Ane lang and large Rapſodie, collected furth of all buikes conteinand the civill lawe of this Realme. It is nocht authentick, bot zit verie proffitable for expoſition of findrie places of the Principall and authentick buikes. It is ſwa called be reaſon the beginning theirof is, De judice eligendo.

The Actes of Parliament of King James the firſt, and his ſucceſſours are alleadged be the name of the King or Queene, author thereof. As Ia. for Iames, Mar. for Marie. p. for Parliament, and mairover be the number of the Parliament andchaptour.

Decreites given bee the Lordes of the Seſſion and Councell, are alleadged be the daye, moneth, and zeire of God, in the quhilk they are pronounced, and ſumtime bee the names of the perſewer and defender.

Quhair onie thing is written in the expoſition of ane worde, quhilk may ſerve for the declaration of ane uther, for eſchewing of unprofitable repetition, I remitte zow from the word to ane uther, be vid. For vide. and ſwa fee and read the expoſition of the ane and the uther: for thereby ze ſalbe mair largelie inſtructed.