Page:The Laws of the Stannaries of Cornwall.djvu/100

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9i LAWS OF THE STANNARIES own use or uses, either in his or their own 9iune or names^ or in the names of others in trust for him or them, or some other person by their direction. And whereas several laws have been made in order to prevent such undue practices, which laws may be of use %Q(i«i !• to be enforced ; Be it therefore declared and ^acted, that where tnere are divers owners of, or part owners in one pair of tin bounds, if any such owner or partner shall suffer such bounds to become void with an intent to defiraiKl his partners, and afterwards procures or suffers the said bounds to be new cut, either in his own name, or in the name or names of any other or others in trust for him, or some other person or persons by his direction, the bounds so new cut, shall be to the use of the other owners and partners so intended to be defrauded ; and the owner or partners so intending to defraud the other owners, shall forfeit and lose his part to the other owners or partners, to be by him or them enjoyed in such shares as shall be in proportion to their former shares therein, and such owner or partner so intending to de- fraud the other owners or partners shall also forfeit the sum of twenty pounds, to be re- covered by action in the court oJf the stan- nary wherein the said bounds do lie to the use of such of the other owners or partners as shall sue for the same. : Sect. a. penalty Scct. 2. And be it further declared and on tin bounder . i .t . ^r .* ^ i -l •tiffcring bounds cnactcd, that it any tin bounder, or keeper to become void of tin bounds for any person or persons shall for want of re- m -i » % > t"^ '■ t t i »ewti, without suirer the said tin bounds to be unrenewed,, wnw ^ ^^ ^y nieans whereof they become, void, without first