Page:The Laws of the Stannaries of Cornwall.djvu/99

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OF CORNWALL. {^^ Cornwall for the time being, and constantly kept in each coinage town, by and wiA which, the weights commonly uSed, shall be rectified as often as they shall require the same. 8. Item. Whereas by the common usage 8. Declaration and custom of the stannaries, any tinner may r^^crS a? bound, with tin bounds any wastrel lands cutting of within the county of Cornwall, that are un- trc"? ^ ^**^ bounded or void of lawful bounds ; and also in several and any several and inclosed lands that have been incSy bound- anciently bounded and assured for wastrel by ed; and in the payment of toll tin before that the hedges ^"n^'il'd^y were made upon the same ; and also may cut manon. bounds in the Prince's several and inclosed ancient assessionable dutchy manors, accord- ing to the ancient custom and usage within the said several dutchy manors, the tinners so bounding the said lands, paying the usual toll to the lord of the soil, as is generally paid within the stannaries, (that is to say) a fifteenth dish or part, saving in such places where a special custom hath limited another manner of toll. And whereas there are seve- ^" '"o^^^jn"'" ral ancient and laudable customs relating to force.uniess after the manner of cutting, renewing, and work- ^*"^^'«^' ing of tin bounds ; be it hereby declared and enacted, that all such customs shall remain and be in force, unless they are herein after particularly limited and restrained. But PenaMes on part whereas there are- several frauds committed fraudu^^ni^suf! by part owners in tin bounds, and the keep- ^i^s ^""^* *» r"t j» ■ • .1 i remain unie- ers of bounds, m not renewmg the same, but uewcd. suffering them to remain unrenewed, with an intent that the same may be forfeited and lost, and then be cut again to his or their M . own