Page:The Laws of the Stannaries of Cornwall.djvu/144

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INDEX • PAGE. Tinners, how to sue 22 where to sue, and be sued^ &c. . . '.. ibid free in fairs and markets 23 not to be jurors ibid to pay no tythes of wages 23, 44 who are privileged tinners 39 not to serve on juries but in the stannary 4 3 ....... privately defrauding their partners, penalty 74 ..%.... if no fraud, action against informer . . 75 to put what tin he pleases (being his own) in the coinage bill 80 not to carry away tin stuff from adjoining bounds on pain of damages 101 streamers, penalty on diverting pot water 1 08 Tin Billy how to be paid .».#.. 114 Tin TVorky in variance, penalty on steward, &c. be- coming owner of 24 possession how far available . . 25, 45 owner of, to set, bring in his men, &c. or be excluded .44 in variance, penalty on officer, or great man becoming owner, &c A5 ..and bounds, to be iji the nature of chat- ties real 62 ' Toll Titty a fifteenth dish to be paid 38 lord first taking his toll barred of his dues 61 Tything Men of Blackmore may summon ex officio .............. 50, 79 W. JVarrcmtSy. . .See practice. JVeightSy the pound to be 16 oz. ...... 68 penalty on using false 69 ....... and scales and use of, &c. regulated, under penalties 89 -