Page:The Laws of the Stannaries of Cornwall.djvu/145

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This page needs to be proofread.


  1. PAGE
  2. Weights and scales, by whom and when to be viewed and rectified
  3. Weights penalty on obstruction
  4. Weights brass, by whom to be provided
  5. Writs, what lie and do not lie in the stannaries

E R A T A.

Page 22 Margin, for 16 Car. 10, 15. read 16 Car. 1, c. 15.
  25 Line 24 for dispossed, read dispossessed.
  26 Margin, for ageeing, read agreeing.
  26   for block, read black.
  27   dele reference to page 48, and insert it marginal brief of Article 25.
Page 28 Line 17 for fendant, read defendant.
  44 Margin, for worth, read work.