Page:The Laws of the Stannaries of Cornwall.djvu/60

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ff^ LAWS OF TH£ STANNARIES shall be delivered where the agent and thcr* tinners shall agree. 34. No penalty 34. For that everv subject delinquent of to be levied until • 1 ^ 1 • j 1.. ^ 1 the party con- common Hght may claim, and ought to have ficted by cOTfcs. ^^ benefit of the law for his trial, and for non, default* or . . . • 1 • 1 1 • t-r-r terdict. that reason his traverse is admitted him. We. Vide Cro. Car. agrcc, constitutc, and ordain that no forfeit- Adwns's d^* ure or penalty shall be levied or laid upon, decree /or pay. or paid by any delinquent by force of theser ¥^o^JStion ordnances, before he shall be thereof con- FWd?r'heid dieted by confession, default, or verdict, and to be coram noa that upou such convictiou, the Said forfeit- judicc and void, ^^.^g ^^^ penalties with costs of suit shall be inflicted upon him, and levied by fieri facias upon his goods, or by imprisonment of the body by capias corpus, until satisfaction be made. 2^iV ^*?^^'»!"«» 35. We agree, constitute, and ordain that halftothe Pnncc , -^ /^. , ^ ^ • i and half to the onc half of all the forfeitures and pecuniary JJJ^^J^^^®^ mulcts before in these constitutions assessed, saving such of them as are wholly given to the Lord-Prince, or particularly ordered tO' the party grieved, or other particular uses, shall accrue to the Lord-Prince, and to be* estreated and charged yearly to the head bailiff of the said stannaries respectively, to be by them answered upon their accounts at the Prince's audit ; and that the other moiety or halfendeale thereof shall accrue and be for a common stock for the stannaries^ for de-^ fraying the necessary charge and common burthens that shall come upon them, and for the relief of the decrepit, maimed or decayed tinners ; which said moiety or halfendeale, so ordered for a common stocky shall be levied >