Page:The Laws of the Stannaries of Cornwall.djvu/61

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OP CCmNWALJL. &i5- ■ by the headl:>ail]ffs respectively, having twelve- pence in the pound for his pains in levying and collecting the ^me, and the head bailiffs shall pay over the residue thereof to the re- ceiver elected yearly to receive the same. 36. We agree, constitute, and ordain that l^: ^^^ there shall be yearly at the first law-KX)urt chofcn yearly Vy that shall be after Michaelmas four receiviers ^^^aw-cou^ chosen by the ^and juries in the four stan- who arc to ac naries respectively, one in each-stannary, who *^°"°* ^^^^^* riiall receive and keep the common stock, and shall yearly at the first law-court after Michaelmas, or at the first law^ourt then next following, make their account for the same before the steward of the stannary and grand jury respectively ; and shall pay over d)e sum that shall be due upon the foot of his account unto the next and succeeding receiver then to be chosen, provided that if there shall be no election made at Mi- chaelmas law-court, by reason of a remanet ex defectu upon the non-appearance of a full grand jury, that then the former receiver fboll stand and continue until a new shall be <diosen. And we ordain that nothing b^ issued or paid out of the said common stock by the said receiver at any time but by the order and consent of the grand jury of the said stannary, that made ihe election or of twelve of them at the least. 37. And we farther enact, constitute, and ^i^^iSy"** KHxlain that for the security of the said .com- mon stock in case of mortality, every re- ceiver shall upon his election enter into bond to the last precedent receiver, aad the fore* G 2 man