Page:The Laws of the Stannaries of Cornwall.djvu/66

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(Jo LAWS OF THE STANNARIES perties and privileges of the tinners. And for flirther declaration of our customs and laws, and the ordering and settling such matters as we think fit and pecessary upon mature consideration to be altered, ordained, and settled for the better government of the stannaries of Cornwall, and the good and benefit of the tinners therein, according to His Majesty's said gracious commission, granted and signified to the Right Honour- able the Lord-Warden for the settlement of the Stannaries of Cornwall, and the reditess of all the abuses and grievances therein. We do farther agree, constitute, and or- dain in manner and form following : I. Thcprocia- Imorimis, We aeree, constitute, and or- xnationofbouads j- .i.r vii -^i i j regulated. dam that whoever shall pitch any bounds shall enter his proclamation of the same in the stannary-court where the ground lieth at the first court that shall be holden after the said pitch, in which proclamation he shall put down the day of the pitch, the names of his fellow owners, and of the party that cut them, and the true bounds and limits of the comers thereof, otherwise the said pitch to be void. And also that when any pitch of new bounds shall be entered in the stannary- court, the same shall be openly proclaimed at that court and two cdurts following, beg fore writs of possession shall be granted, ana shall be engrossed and posted up in some open place in the court, during the continu- ance of such three courts before a writ of possession. And if any person shall in any of the said three courts make claim or title against