Page:The Laws of the Stannaries of Cornwall.djvu/67

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OF CORNWALL. • Ol against the said new pitch, either by reason of old bounds, or several lands, he shall forthwith enter his action of trespass against the person that cut the said bounds, and the persons to whose use the same were cut. And the person so cutting sh^U likewise give notice in writing of such pitch, to the lord or lords of the fee of the lands on which such bounds were cut, or to some or one of his or ■ their stewards, agents or servants within one year next after such pitchy and shall prove such notice given before the steward of the stannary in which the bounds are, within twelve months next after such notice given, otherwise the pitch to be void. 2. Item. We present our ancient custom *• Bounds to to be^and do agree, constitute, and ordain and!idc!b^nS. that all tin bounds ought to have four cor- By thisit should ners, which shall consist of twenty-four turfs bounds were not or stones, six to each corner. And we like- ^St^^^n^ wise find, that side bounds have been an- wres to asscrtthe ciently used, and are still lawful to be used. extt'^lJ^of And we do declare our custom to be, that all ^e ime froiA bounds must be renewed within a year and *^°"*"^/»™«^* a day, and that side bounds shall likewise be SideyOs^ound so renewed whereof the benefit shdl be claimed. And we do further declare our * custom to be, that in case the side bounds be unrenewed and left void, and the head or *^' ^orner bounds be renewed, the benefit of the side bounds only shall be lost, as to the land that they draw, but the land within the head or corner bounds shall remain well bounded. 3. Item. We do agree, constitute and ^^;^^^^l^^^ ordain if the lord of the soil where land barred of his iwU jj ^^1^ dole or dues.