Page:The Laws of the Stannaries of Cornwall.djvu/88

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82 LAWS OF THE STANNARIES and constituUons Laws made in the present convocation. 1n1de26Geo.11. i.Recitiiofthe Imprimis. Whereas there are many an- Sk^o^ti^ "*" cient laws and constitutions of the stannaries bbwen. relating to tin-blowers, and refining of tin That anodier [^ blowinff-houscs, which was formerly the method found of . 1^ 1 ^ A • r^* a y 1 refining tin by Only mcthod of reftning of tin. And whereas ^]^^^°^ df late years there has been another method found out of refining 6f tin, by means of reverberating fiirnaces, which is commonly called smelting of tin. And whereas the said , several laws relating to tin - blowers, and blowing-houses have not of late years been put in force, though of great benefit to His Majesty's or Lord Duke of Cornwail's reve- Thatdoubtshave uuc, and the staunarics ; and some doubt mStere^^ having also arisen, whether the smelters and smeiting.houses smclting-houscs are within the laws concem- ^hUw.**^ ing tin-blowers, and blowing-houses; it is Principal smei- hereby enacted and declared that every prin- lertobejwom. ^jp^j smclter of tin as well as principal blower respectively before he shall be ad- mitted to work, shall in the court of the stannary in which the said blowing-house or smelting-house respectively shall stand, wherein he is about to work, take the fol- lowing oath. " You shall swear that you will TheoaOi. w exhibit iuto this court within six weeks ^^ after the end of each and every coinage of

  • ^ tin, a true account in writing containing

^^ the just number of pieces or slabs of tin ^* which have been smelted or blown (as the case is) in your smelting-house or blow- ing-house, together with the times of the delivery thereof from such house. And ^^ also their marks and numbers, and the '^ names of the respective persons to whom the