Page:The Laws of the Stannaries of Cornwall.djvu/89

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OF CORNWALL. 88 " the said tin was respectively delivered. ^^ And you shall swear, that you will not make any, or knowingly suffer to be made any falsified tin by artificial mixture or by casing in any sUb or block of tin any baser metal than good and merchantable tin. ^ And you shall to the best of your skill and knowledge, use the art and mystery of a tin-blower or tin-smelter (as the case is) and shall deal justly therein between man and man, so help you God." Which oath the said steward of the said court respec- tively is hereby required to administer with- out fee or reward. And be it further enacted Every smelter » and declared, that every principal tin-blower StftificateT and tin smelter respectively, shall bring into theWocksWown * the court of the stannary, in which the blow- ^uarTc*!^ j*^"* ^^^^ ing-house or smelting-house to which he belongs respectively stands, within six weeks after the end of every coinage, a certificate signed by him containing the just number of blocks or slabs of tin, which were blown or smelted* in the said house the coinage quar^ ter preceding, with the names of the owners of the tin. And on bringing in the said such certificate' .^ , , , 1 1 • to be verified certmcate, the blower or smelter so bring- upon oath. ing it in shall take the following oath, viz. ^* You shall swear that the account now The oath, produced in court signed by you, contains the j ust number of blocks or slabs of tin, which were smelted or blown (as the case is) in your house the last coinage quarter, together with the times of the delivery of such tin from thence, and the names of the persons to whom the said tin was de- ^' livered, and also the number and marks

    • of each slab or block to the best of your

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