Page:The Lessons of the German Events (1924).djvu/85

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communist nuclei in the factories, and support them wherever they already exist.

(8) Every member of a nucleus must actively participate in every kind of party work in the factory to which he is assigned by the executive committee of the nucleus. {{dent/e]}

Apart from the special tasks in their factories, the factory nuclei have also to perform territorial tasks at their places of restdence, since workers employed in factories also have various needs and fulfil various social functions in the places where they reside (housing, food, health, education, elections, &c.).

The chief territorial tasks are as follows:

(1) To conduct the political and organisational work of the Party at the place of residence, the carrying on of campaigns of various kinds (electoral, against bad housing, high rents, &c.), to see that the families of workers, clerks, &c., are assured of the primary necessaries of life.

(2) The distribution of Party literature, the recruiting of new readers and new Party members, agitation, propaganda, individual instruction of non-party workers, educational work in the sub-sections (clubs, &c.), inviting sympathisers to participate in workers' demonstrations, and generally carrying on the working class fight.

(3) House to house propaganda in the sub-sections, the collection of information as to the party affiliations of persons residing in the sub-sections, as to political work, and the activity of Fascists; keeping records of stores of firearms, &c.

(4) Work among women and children.

These Territorial Tasks apply also to the Residential Nuclei.—Their work must be carried on under the direct control of the sub-section committee, and be co-ordinated with the work of the factory nuclei.

Establishing the Factory Nuclei

In view of the novelty of this question for many sections of the Communist International and the varying conditions in different countries, the Executive Committee of the Communist International proposes that the subject should be widely discussed in the Party press and at Party meetings, and then only should the reorganisation of the Party on the basis of factory nuclei be attempted. Nuclei should first be organised in the larger factories.

The nuclei should in no circumstances be confused with the communist fractions in the trade unions, co-operatives, &c., whose function cannot be replaced by the nuclei. The functions of the fractions are narrower than those of the nuclei. The nucleus, or rather, the executive committee of the nucleus, must direct the work of the factory committee fractions in the factory.

The Executive Committee of the Communist International earnestly requests all Sections of the Communist International

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