Page:The Lessons of the German Events (1924).djvu/86

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to furnish it with detailed information on the progress of the discussion on the question here touched upon, and of the results achieved in the organisation in the factories.

Instructions for the Organisation of Factory Nuclei in

Concerning the Communist Party of Germany, the following special instructions were adopted by the Presidium of the E. C. C. I.:—

(1) In accordance with the resolution on the organisation of factory nuclei (see above) adopted by the Executive Committee of the Communist International, the Party must carry out its re-organisation in such a way as to make the factory nuclei the basis of the Party organisation.

(2) Members of factory nuclei must be in a majority in the section and sub-section committees. Big cities must be divided into sections. The local Party committee must include workers from the bench.

(3) Factory and residential nuclei are to be amalgamated into sub-sections, which are to be under the control of section committees. Wherever possible, the section committees must form the sub-sections around big factories.

(4) Local committees (or section committees) must immediately elaborate a program with a time-limit, with the object of carrying out this re-organisation in every locality, and must submit it to the Central Committee of the Party for approval. In the course of two months, the re-organisation must have been carried out throughout the country under the direction of the Central Committee of the Party. The Central Committee must keep the Executive Committee of the Communist International regularly informed on the progress of the re-organisation work.

Consequently the last paragraph of the resolution on the re-organisation of factory nuclei, does not apply to the German Communist Party.

London Caledonian Press Ltd., 74 Swinton Street, Gray's Inn Road, W.C. 1.—w 7587