Page:The Lusitania's Last Voyage (lusitaniaslastvo00lauriala).djvu/74

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The Lusitania's Last Voyage

Kingsley and commence picking up the threads of business, although I knew I should feel pretty much lost when I had not a single memorandum "to get on with." My small leather case containing all my business papers had gone down with the Lusitania. Think of a "Lauriat" trying to do business without a lot of neat little folders sitting around his desk!

I shall follow with keen interest the Official Inquiry to be held by Lord Mersey, for I want to see if these points are brought out:—

1. What were the instructions from the Admiralty for the navigation of the ship and were they carefully followed out?

2. Why were we not running top speed?

3.Why were the portholes on decks D open? Never mind the "why," but I should like to have the fact established as to whether they were or were not open.

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