Page:The Lusitania's Last Voyage (lusitaniaslastvo00lauriala).djvu/75

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The Lusitania's Last Voyage

4. Why did Captain Turner and Captain Anderson give orders to the crew to "Stop lowering the boats" on the port side and for the passengers "to get out of the boats"? That is the exact phraseology they used. It seemed to me that boats on the port side should have been lowered at once as the more the steamer listed the less possible it would be to clear them.

There are three suggestions I shall hope to see put before the Board that are based on the experiences of the catastrophe. They are:—

1. The thing that impressed me most as the people rushed back and forth on the steamer was that more than half of those who had on life jackets had them on incorrectly. I should like to see recommended to the Board that a law (international, if possible) be passed, that when a person buys a steamship ticket for a transatlantic crossing, no matter for what class, he or she shall

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