Page:The Maharaja of Cashmere.djvu/11

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Hunter on the subject— The Hindus beat the Mahomedans on their own ground— In India people cannot demand to be ruled by their co-religionists only— The mischievous policy of setting Hindus against Mahomedans— Its lamentable consequences— The Maharaja's kind and impartial treatment of his Hindu and Mahomedan subjects —His generosity towards the followers of other creeds— The Maharaja's feelings after his deposition— His letter to the Viceroy— The latter's reply— The Maharaja returns to Jummu in the middle of 1889 — Lives in seclusion — His anxiety to meet the Viceroy — Difficulties in the way — A favourable turn — Col. Nisbet goes on furlough — Col. Prideaux appointed to the Residency — His conciliatory attitude towards the Maharaja — His speedy success — Delicate nature of a Residents' work — His position in the State where he is posted— Indian Princes how amenable to their influences — The way in which the Residents should conduct themselves — Their indiscretion leads to