Page:The Maharaja of Cashmere.djvu/12

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[ iv ]

Strained feelings — The necessity of exercising care in the selection of Residents — Princes should be allowed to lay their complaints direct to Government — Their short-comings — Residents should act as their 'guide, friend and philosopher' — Improvement in the posture of the Maharaja's affairs soon after the appointment of Col. Prideaux — The Viceroy's proposal to visit Cashmere — His Excellency leaves Simla — Banquet at Srinagar and the Resident's speech — The Viceroy's reply — Kind assurances—Their effect on the public mind — The enquiries by the Viceroy — His interviews with the Maharaja— Result — Partial restoration of the Maharaja — a measure of justice.

Part II.— page 72.

Change in the Maharaja's position — Far from pleasant at first — His path strewn with thorns — He meets with opposition and is thwarted — Intrigues— His responsibilities — His powers inadequate for their proper discharge — Left to his own re-