Page:The Master of Mysteries (1912).djvu/17

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The Master of Mysteries


THE Master of Mysteries bent over the onyx lectern for a moment to gaze at the monograph, and then chuckled derisively. "Oh, these German Symbolists!" he said half aloud. "For unadulterated humor, give me a Teuton that has joined the ranks of the metaphysicians. It is hardly to be wondered that ninety per cent. of them have died in madhouses, and that Max Nordau has scheduled the rest of them for suicide!"

He paused again to give a final glance at Ehrenfeld's little book on tone color in vowels. "The letter A," he translated rapidly, "suggests at once bright red, and symbolizes youth, or joy; the letter I is suggestive of sky-blue, and symbolizes intimacy, or love—et cetera, et cetera." He stopped from sheer exasperation. "Poor Arthur Rimbaud! Poor old sodden Verlaine! What crimes are committed in your cause!"

The door opened softly, and he turned to greet a beautiful blond-haired girl who entered.

"Valeska, if I were making up a list of the tonal essences in vowel sounds, I should say the A was yellow, in disagreement with our friend here, Mr. Ehren-