Page:The Master of Mysteries (1912).djvu/18

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feld. The U would be purple, verging on maroon. By the way, did you happen to notice that woman who was here this afternoon?" He gazed abstractedly at the floor. "It seemed to me," he went on after a few moments' thought, "as if she possessed distinctly purple vibrations, denoting unrest."

"Which one?" was the quick reply. "The one in black satin, with jet ornaments, who wore gold-bowed eye-glasses, and limped?"

"Of course; but I should describe her as a woman who was worried and was jealous of her husband; very suspicious of him; also abnormally anxious for money."

"I didn't talk to her; I was too busy."

"You must do a few palms some day, just to see how you are getting along in your study of the science of human nature. You noticed nothing else about her?"

Valeska put the end of her pencil to her lips and considered it abstractedly for a few moments. "Let me see—" she began. "She carried two books, didn't she?"

"Precisely. One was a Baedeker's Northern Italy, and the other was a church report,—Park Avenue Presbyterian. But the point is that she's coming here again, possibly this evening or to-morrow. She was literally perishing with the desire to ask me something which she did not dare to at the time."

At this moment there came a ring at the office doorbell.

"There she is now," went on the mystic. "Did you notice that was a nervous ring? It came twice. She wasn't quite sure the first time whether she had pressed hard enough. Show her in, Valeska."

A few minutes intervened before his visitor appeared, pausing undecidedly on the threshold. "Could