Page:The Message and Ministrations of Dewan Bahadur R. Venkata Ratnam, volume 1.djvu/39

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kin ideals and is content to leave the life to preach itself. He is a firm believer in the conscious up-building of character in each individual life ; and his one aim is more and more to acquire and impai't a healthy tctne to the inner springs of c'onduct in growing accord with the Will of the All-Holy through the varied relations of life. Accordingly, not even his worst calumniators, however much they may fall foul of his heresy and heterodoxy, would ever raise the slightest breath of a whimper against his own unimpeachable character ; while association with him is accepted as a sufficient passjiort for general integrity in his friends and followers. The root of all these outward excellences lies in his inner spiritual experiences. With him, recreation, morality, reform, all are organically related to religion. His is constitutionally a temper full of hilarity ; he is habitually fond of company ; and in social circles he laughs and ]»]ays with the bounding enthusiasm of a pleasure-seeker, ever ready with sallies of wit and humour, ■with apt anecdote and ejadless cobversatioB , though »ever self -indulgent,