Page:The Message and Ministrations of Dewan Bahadur R. Venkata Ratnam, volume 1.djvu/40

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self-obtrusive oi* even self-conscious. But dbej) down this apparent — let me add also, transparent — outburst of merriment, there runs a clear under-current of solemn purpose, even the . unbending of the spirit for its own strengthening and the realisation of the conviction that the tiod we own is a God of Joy and Bliss Eteimal. A perusal of the article on “ Religion and Recreation ” will illustrate this habitually elevated stand-point even to the stranger. Again, if he is generous in his private charities — and these, extensive for his limited means, are such that the left hand knoweth not what the right hand doeth — it is, not for the love of a good name or even out of pity for want and woe, but primarily for the vindication of the unfailing providence of Love Eternal. He cannot bear that the destitute and the distressed should feel that, wherever they go, they must only knock against iron-walls of destiny and that the Rule]- of this Universe is but a ruthless tyrant magnified into infinity. So he picks up a family of orphan-waifs by the rail-road and makes them as more than children unto