Page:The Message and Ministrations of Dewan Bahadur R. Venkata Ratnam, volume 1.djvu/397

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so many striking, outstanding, thought-arresting, heart-attracting, soul-enrapturing instances of God’s grace and goodness. Of Rajah Rammohan Roy, it was said by an admirer professing even an alien faith that his life affords one noteworthy instance of God’s providential and righteous care for man, by and through the rearing and raising of a witness in unexpected places and circumstances. In the dark day of India, God with His own hand lit the light that India might once again see light, love and joy. Of all miracles, real or supposed, this is the most arrestive of attention, that, as out of hard stone there jets forth a spring of crystal water, so, out of adamantine godlessness or out of self-puzzling superstition, springs up a life which is tender with the throb of faith and clear and firm with the reasoned knowledge of truth. And such an instance was Rajah Rammohan Roy, an instance of God’s perennial providence under the most unpromising conditions. As the story of the Dispensation began wuth him, so it has gone on. We are told that it, too, is proof and evidence