Page:The Message and Ministrations of Dewan Bahadur R. Venkata Ratnam, volume 1.djvu/398

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of God’s providence, of God’s direct doings in the history of Christianity that mere fishermen, illiterate persons, were translated, transformed, into Apostles of God. That is true, and it is a matter for thankfulness. But the opposite wonder is that those in high places voluntarily abdicate their power and position and come down to the lowly levels of, the poor and the humble; those enjoying vested interests cast aside all personal gains and profits; those recognised, through; traditional rules of judgment, to be by Heaven itself endowed with the supreme privilege of controlling and guiding man’s destiny, give up all, humbling themselves into the lowly service of man in the name of God. That, top, is, in its own way, as much a proof of God’s direct dealing in the history of a dispensation. When Maharshi, who could, for the mere asking, have been a Maharajah, chose to be a Maharshi, giving up his power, place, position and privilege, and put on the garb of humility and wore the ashes of' self-denial, that was a marvel of God’s merciful providence in the history of this our Dispensation.