Page:The Message and Ministrations of Dewan Bahadur R. Venkata Ratnam, volume 1.djvu/399

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And, likewise, when one who could move thousands with his electrifying eloquence; who could, not through his solicitation but by their invitation, find welcome access to Governors and Viceroys and the Sovereign herself, when he gave up all in the name of God, assumed the apostolic garb and went forth,. with truth on the lip and love in the heart, to proclaim the glory of God, when Keshub Chandra Sen went forward, that was another proof of God’s providential doing for the Dispensation of the Spirit. When a Kuleen Brahmin, by custom placed in the lofty position. of master of the whole society, whose word is social law, to gratify whose desire is held to be the salvation of one’s soul, when, he snaps, literally snaps into shreds, the mark and token of his supremacy and wears the garb of the poor servant of God, this is another proof of the providence of God in the history of the Dispensation of the Spirit. The humble to be exalted into the apostle-that is one way in which God vindicates His greatness. The powerful, the lofty, the proud to be humbled and enlisted into the lowly