Page:The Message and Ministrations of Dewan Bahadur R. Venkata Ratnam, volume 1.djvu/412

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they were happy all their days. Brahmic- history teems with ' instances of how Glod miraculously' caters to the needs and wants of His children. And of such faith and trust in the God of Providence Pandit Sastri is an. outstanding instance.

He bore the message of the Ih'ahnia Samaj alloverthe country'; and he was the first apostle of the Brahma Samaj to the Telugu Districts. In this town, he had wonderful experiences during his first visit. He W'as leceivod with X'omp and lodged comfortably in a big house. But, for having committed tin; grievous t)fience o^ receiving a tumbler of water from tlie hands of a Mahammadan servant, lie was soon sent out. The host could not understand how a Sastri holding conversations in the sacred language with Pandits could contaminate himself by accepting water from the- hands of a Mahammadan. Be was asked to find shelter elsewhere. Next day he was on a’i)ial. A meeting was held. The Collector came. The D. M. & S. O. canie. Various others came. They were all jdeased with the address and had a general talk with him on.