Page:The Message and Ministrations of Dewan Bahadur R. Venkata Ratnam, volume 1.djvu/413

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religion. The host found out that he a fter alJ, Hn important man ; and so he struck the happy via media and gave him a banga*- low where he could safely indulge his social vagaries. Whether in the bungalow or on the piail, whether with Pandits or with a Mahammadan servant, he was the same. When, on the pial, the sun shone and the rain l>eat, some one brought a tatt}' and held it as an awning to protect Sastri Mahashai. A friend of mine who accompanied him to Madras and the South had said that I should 1>ecome a missionary, that I should become a Pandit Sastri. When they returned from Pangalore to Madras, the same friend said, “ P’^otber, for goodness’ sake, never Ixjcome a missionary. It is not only poverty but misery. Yet, Pandit Sastri bore all this and more with tlte hilarity of a man who was, as it were,, rising from power to power and expanding from glory to glory. Then he went to Rajahmundry before Mr. Veei'esalingam Pantulu was able to perform the first widow-marriage.^ He gave a lecture, many young men gathered and he put new life into them. What Mr^