Page:The Message and Ministrations of Dewan Bahadur R. Venkata Ratnam, volume 1.djvu/415

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felt in personal experience and witlr tlie authority and power of one who was- commissioned and with the elation of re- joicing in preaching to the world. Thanked" he God, in our part of the country his noble mission has been followed so worthily by f)ther workers — Babu Bix)in Chandra Pal, Mr. Shinde, Babus Mahendranath Bose, Amrita Jial Bose, Bra ja Gopal Neogi and Hem Chandra Harkar. Before all these, Pandit Sastri was the liarbinger. We owe unto God our grateful thanks for having vouchsafed to us a messenger of His trutli so eloquent, so inspiring, so informing as I’andit Sastri.

He was, in the palmy days of his eloquence, a most moving speaker ; ' in Bengali he was one of the greatest speakers. Colonel Olcott mentioned him among the great masters of logic and geligious philosophy. Sir Monier Williams, in his “Records of Religions Thought,” spoke of him as ‘ a man of unquestioned ability and eloquence.’ Ranade and others regai'ded him as a modefii rishi to whom all votaries of reform . .ought to make a pilgrimage. A