Page:The Message and Ministrations of Dewan Bahadur R. Venkata Ratnam, volume 1.djvu/416

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unique soul altogether I If we catfeulate the strese and strain amidst which Hb' had to carry, on his work with faith, and' judge amidst whom he worked — on the one hand, very impulsive people, and on the. other, towering intellects — we realise the gresatness .of the man, which he owed entirely’ to his devotion to God.

To me personally how great, how deep, how profound have been his kindness and good- ness ! Though it is a fact that there had’ Ijeeji humble beginnings, inner throbbings, silent processes, yet wdien it came to the d^isive step of coming into the Brahma; Siimaj, htunanly speaking, it was due to Pandit Sastri. In 1881, when I was in the F. A. Class; Pfindit Sastri delivered a series of lectures, lim 1882 I sought out Mr. Buchiah Pantuiu ; awt: ever since, for weal or for woe, I have been cum- nected with the Brahma Samaj ; and it has been my ambition, though, it must' sadly be confessed with a sense of humiliation, an unrealised ambition, to do something- werthy of one whom 1 admired and revered^— Fandit .Sast*i Unto him I owe the inepiratien which