Page:The Message and Ministrations of Dewan Bahadur R. Venkata Ratnam, volume 2.djvu/290

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ation, invulnerable to the assaults of sorrows and tribulations, that so we may feel the mercy that Thou hast meant for us in all the fluctuations of time. O Thou, the eternal, the ever-abiding, the ever-enduring the ever-true, the ever-good God, do Thou disclose unto us the abundance of Thy mercy and the blessedness of Thy benignantly designed and graciously vouchsafed peace and joy in everlasting companionship with Thee. Long have we thought of Thee as the terrific God, the appalling God, as the God of Death, the God of Dissolution. Do Thou now teach us to recognise Thee as the redeeming God, the resuming God, the rejuvenating God, the eternally reliable God. Long have we in faithlessness thought of the soul as the bubble that bursts and breaks up in no time. Do Thou now teach us to realise that, being securely held in Thy embrace, we cannot fail. Our failure would be Thy discomfiture; our vanishing into emptiness, Thy privation, Do Thou instil into us the sure and saving trust that, though now limited— bounded,