Page:The Message and Ministrations of Dewan Bahadur R. Venkata Ratnam, volume 2.djvu/291

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circumscribed—by time and place, we are really even now enabled by the moving events of life to rise to the wider and higher outlook transcending time and place. Do Thou reveal unto us the unmistakable fact that what truly counts, what really abides, is not deceptive change but the underlying permanence; that what truly constitutes the great value and worth of our existence is that it cannot be told out by time or hedged in by place but that even now, living in Thee, incorporated in Thee, imbedded in Thee, our real life partakes of the Everlasting. May this trust abide in us! May we be disillusioned into Truth and Faith! May we be snatched and saved from the lamentable illusion that makes us the sport of passing changes! May we learn, not as a theoretical possibility but as a verifiable experience, that Thou art the Indweller in us! O Thou eternal, all-pervading God! Do Thou this day, in Thy mercy, overlook our unworthy, our un-chaste, our infidel lack of confidence and trust in Thee and infuse into us the faith, the assurance, the certainty that we are al-