Page:The Message and Ministrations of Dewan Bahadur R. Venkata Ratnam, volume 2.djvu/401

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version, which paves the way for a free progress of Vaishnavism in that Province. A specimen of the learned class and a renowned Pandit attached to the court of the ruler of Orissa, Sarvabhowma Bhattacharya pledged himself to regain the learned Chaitanya from the wild fanaticism of religion. Counting upon his deep knowledge of the Darsanas, he was sure of a victory. But the little David, with his sling and stone of faith, is more than a match for any Goliath. The Pandit goes out to convince and returns converted, Baffled by Chaitanya's array of arguments and moved by his glowing words and inspiring life, Sarvabhowma saw the sacred truth that, not by learning, not even by laudable acts, but by child-like faith and wife-like devotion alone, can a man know the great Lord of all. The Pandit's conversion proclaimed the fame of Chaitanya all over the country; and people courted his discipleship in endless numbers. Prom Orissa, the saint travelled into the Deccan. "Remote, unfriended," the lonely pilgrim