Page:The Message and Ministrations of Dewan Bahadur R. Venkata Ratnam, volume 3.djvu/18

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"what a domestic ceremony should be — full of sympathy, — identification, as far as possible, on the part of the minister with the family.” Nearer home, The Hindu of Madras notices how “ the writings are suffused by a living spirit of religion and social service and the author writes a style which possesses a rare degree of fulness and maturity.” Justice greets in him ‘‘ one of the foremost thinkers of India ” who, “ as a Hrahino,”(so runs the significant compliment) tak('S a very chaste and oftentimes too chaste a view of social arrapgements and structnr, s among his countrymen ” ; and while I'/raising the social indictments as “ vigorous and bold,” it observes, ‘‘ He has wise words and lofty idoaJs for the man and woman who can afford to got beside their normal selves a little while in thought and meditation on things that really matter.” With a lively sense of the moral and spiritual as well as the literary excellences of its other portions, The Dailij Express heaj-tily joins the general chorus of grateful acclaim towards the said “ forceful thesis ” as “ by