Page:The Message and Ministrations of Dewan Bahadur R. Venkata Ratnam, volume 3.djvu/19

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far the most outstanding feature of the compilation-” So does United India and Indian States opine at Delhi that it “ would by itself make the book a v<alued possession-” From Masulipatam, the fruitful vineyard of an elder day , Janmahhumi gratefully hails the “vital drops” of the second volume with those who, having “ quatfed up the nectar made available to them in the first,’’ “must be eagerly looking for more and more of this elixir”; and classing the anther among “super-souls, to be sure,” it confidently prescribes the publication as a fitting companion for alfDegree-seekers in the “rniversity of Life.” As for individual witness, so worthy a votary of the hoary Hindu faith as Sir T. V. Seshagiri Aiyar is prepared freely to identify the Brahmo teaching in the book with the essence of llighes Hinduism, as he thus concludes his discerning note: “ Your messages and discourses ought to open the eyes of the youths of the country to the •realities of our. religion and to the noxious character of many of the observances which hide the precious truth within.