Page:The Message and Ministrations of Dewan Bahadur R. Venkata Ratnam, volume 3.djvu/30

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chivalrous champion of the claims of women for political enfranchisement with due regard to the essential modicum of literacy and the existing difficulties of the purdah. They show the uncompromising temperance (why, total abstinence) reformer — that ‘other self’ of the lifelong purity worker — in the righteous protestation against the high licensing system of excise for the up-keep of the largest source of State income. They show the disinterested “ citizen ’’and “social reformer ” in the judicious advocacy of an adequate proportional- representation in the services to secure an all-round national, in place of a “ sporadic, spasmodic, individual and sectional efficiency”, and to stimulate the equal advancement of th*e masses with the classes- They show, too, the earnest spokesman of the cause of the ‘ depressed classes ’ in the tender api>eal^ for a separate Department and for differential treatment in their behalf even by way of just reparation for centuries of neglect, ,if not of oppression. A fuller treatment of the different phases of this last-named problem of the