Page:The Message and Ministrations of Dewan Bahadur R. Venkata Ratnam, volume 3.djvu/31

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Adi-Andhra 8 on the part of their chosen representative in the counsels of the nation> is what is furnished in the latter of the next two Presidential Addresses — that delivered to the members of the community itself at their first District Conference with the genuine assurance, “ I always endeavour to think and feel that I am one of you,'’ while gently exhorting them, among other things, to the prime duty of self-help ” in manfully yet meekly struggling to take their legitimate position in the great Indian nation by first lifting away the dead-weight of “ crushing disabilities,” internal as well as external. The other Presidential Speech — that at the Anti-Non-Co-operation Conference in Goda- vari — endeavours “ to speak the right word in due season ” by a searching examination of the ulterior aim and the favourite methods, the practical applications and the significant omissions (“ unobkcured >by any of the mis* leading incidents ") of a movement under, if not by, which “ much avoidable harm — no donb't, intermingled* with some desirable good — has been worked.” A reasoned ‘ con-