Page:The Message and Ministrations of Dewan Bahadur R. Venkata Ratnam, volume 3.djvu/35

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members of the worshipping family, but with one and all among the spirits of the adoring^ congregation I

The fourth and closing section of half*a* dozen sketches, long and short, biographical or psychological , brings into full view an illustrious triad of fadeless luminaries in the firmament of India- As may readily be noticed, even the ‘prentice-hand’ of well-nigh two score years ago indited the pledge of its own future perfection, while at work upon the first of these, the earliest of the compositif)n8 in the whole volume- In all the portraits alike, familiar features will be found lit up with the newer light of apposite anecdote and lively l^umour ; and the inmost core of ‘ the seeds of god-like power ’ in

  • bards, saints, heroes ’ will also be seen

rightly located in each case with in-seeing sympathy- Altogether; they will, as before, enlist interest and command value as evidences of ‘ the word made flesh ’—every one of these subjects of study an object-lesson in those principles and ideals of faith and forbearance, culture and duty, love and