Page:The Message and Ministrations of Dewan Bahadur R. Venkata Ratnam, volume 3.djvu/36

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service, which receive such beautiful exposition through the rest of the volume. The great man, of course, is a great man * at all points’* And what is already common knowledge will here be borne in once more npon the reader) namely, how much there is in common, especially as between the last two before us — t 3 rpes, both, of ancient virtue» worth and valour; patterns, both, of plain living* high thinking and noble doing ; models* both, of peerless pre-eminence in the world of * deeds ’ as of 'letters ’ — whom we would fondly denote by the familiar epitomes of theif respective lives as Dayasagar and Hithakari. Nevertheless, the system of broad categories would, not inaptly, distinguish the members of this brilliant ‘ belt of Orion ’ as Tukaram the Saint, Yidyasagar the P hila n thr opist and Yiresalingam the Hyo. Nor should it be wide of the mark to hold that these 'appreciations ‘ will tend to deepen the conclusion—

Three worthies in three not far distant or different ages born*