Page:The Message and Ministrations of Dewan Bahadur R. Venkata Ratnam, volume 3.djvu/39

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and high officials, noblemen and news> paper editors, friends and co-educationists, fellow-believers and old pupils— the tokens from these last being alike rendered and received with a warmth and tenderness all their own. A slender bouquet of sample flowers from the richness of the stalk will suffice to shed its perfume upon these pages. “ None ever deserved the distinction more, for you have always set a wonderful example in life to all around you,” “ I need hardly say what a pleasure it is to me to see my old colleague in the Madras Council thus honoured, one from whom I derived so much of help and whose advice was ever sound.” It is not often that the Government honours a nbn-official of your sturdy independence of character.” "You may not have anticipated it, you may not relish it now tha/i it has, come, but it is the common property of all who love, honour and reverence you, and they at any rate will enjey it without stiqt.” “ A noble soul can-not escape recognition, however much it may try to avoid it.” “The present honour is