Page:The Message and Ministrations of Dewan Bahadur R. Venkata Ratnam, volume 3.djvu/40

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very greatly appreciated by us as appropriately indicating your noble aims and ideals in public life. In private life we have always been struck with your singular devotion and piety and have regarded you as a saint.*’ I am sure that a Knighthood has, in recent times, never been bestowed on a more generous heart.” “ Tour good blade may not carve the casques of men, your tough lance may not thrust sure : but your strength is as the strength of ten, because your heart is pure.” “ The whole teaching profession, of which you have been a shining ornament, will be proud of your achievement and success as an educationist and public worker." “ Had the Grovemment done this duty a year earlier^ you would have had the privilege of enjoying a far greater plea- sure than this in addition — that of receiving the sincerest felicitations* of the one great soul to whom this would have been veritably a personal honour. At present you will have to be contented with the knowledge thht the oltmnt of the (Christian) College are extremely gratified at the Government’s recognition