Page:The Message and Ministrations of Dewan Bahadur R. Venkata Ratnam, volume 3.djvu/52

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culture, to one observation made by this great teacher? Does it not furnish food for reflection to one and all of us, when Drr. Miller, with his profound knowledge of history, confidently asserts that “the partnership between India and Britain is the appointed channel through which the influences tending towards the complete unification of humanity are to flow”? Dr. Miller was the bearer of this great message of confidence, goodwill and co-operation—of light, love and life—from the heart of Britain to the heart of India.

An expression of deep regret is due to another great loss of the year. Eminent in position, widely respected in society for simplicity of ways, sobriety of temper, independence of spirit and steadfastness of purpose. Sir K. Sreenivasa Iyengar closed his brilliant career with startling suddenness. For this University he won high credit as he rose steadily from undergraduate to Vice-Chancellor. Equally striking was the success he achieved in the larger sphere of public life ; where he owed it entirely to his