Page:The Message and Ministrations of Dewan Bahadur R. Venkata Ratnam, volume 3.djvu/53

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solid merit that he was elevated to two of the highest offices open to an Indian in this Presidency. His whole spirit was in happy accord with the ideals of the University; and he cherished a glowing zeal for the honor of Alma Mater. In his impressive Convocation Address the key-note of the exhortation was : be true to the spirit of the student”; and how sublime was the picture he drew of that spirit! This loyalty to the spirit of the student he sought to enjoin with an austere unconcern for passing consequences. This rule of conduct explains his last noteworthy act as the Vice-Chancellor of the University, in dealing with a most unfortunate incident which saddened every thoughtful mind. 'Morality as regards study’, observes Carlyle, 'is a primary consideration which overrides all others’; and the Vice-Chancellor acted in this spirit of uncompromising rectitude — a spirit which could not but be respected not only by those who disagreed with him but oven by those on whom the chastisement fell. The example of this worthy life is bound to hearten many an aspirant after true distinction. In this instance also, my congratula-