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14. Essays on National Idealism, by A. K. Coomaraswaray, Colombo, 1909.

About twenty pages on Indian Music.

15. Some Thoughts on Hindi Music, by G. S. Khare, Poona, 1912. Arya Bhushan Press, Poona, pp. 16.

A paper read before the Literary and Philosophical Club, Poona.

A slight discussion on the śrutis.

16. The Hindu Musical Scale, by K. B. Deval, Poona, 1910. Arya Bhushan Press, Poona, pp. viii. 49. With an introduction by Mr. E. Clements.

Deals only with the theory of the twenty-two śrutis.

17. Theory and Practice of Hindu Music, by C. Gangadhar, Madras, pp. 40. Methodist Publishing House, Madras. Obtainable at C. Ramachandar, 25 Perumal Koil Garden Street, Georgetown, Madras.

A very elementary and superficial account of Carnatic music. Specially meant for instruction in playing the vīnā.

18. Introduction to the Study of Indian Music, by E. Clements, London, 1913. Longmans, Green & Co., pp. XV. 104.

A technical discussion of the Grāmas and Śrutis. With a glossary. Contains translations from Nātya Śāstra and Sangīt-Ratnākara.

19. Some Indian Conceptions of Music, by Mrs. Maud Mann. 1911–12, pp. 41. Proceedings of the Musical Association.

Gives an account of the Carnatic system.

20. The Indian Music Journal, Editor, H. P. Krishna Rao, Mysore. Bi-monthly. Two volumes only, 1912–13. Crown Press, Mysore.

Contains much valuable and interesting information and a translation of portions of the Rāgavibodha.

21. Contribution to the Study of Ancient Hindu Music, by Rao Sahib P. R. Bhandarkar, Indore, 1912. British Indian Press, Mazgaon, Bombay. Reprinted from