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the Indian Antiquary, Vol. xli. July, August and November 1912.

A discussion on the śrutis. Also contains the Kudumiyamāmalai inscription on Indian music, probably of the seventh century.

22. The Music of Hindostan, by A. H. Fox Strangways. Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1914, pp. 364.

Deals primarily with Hindnsthani music, but also contains much valuable information on Carnatic music. The only thoroughly scientific treatise on the subject by an expert in western music and a keen student of Indian music, who had splendid opportunities of hearing and studying the best Indian music. Contains a good glossary and index.

23. The Hindu Scale, by A. H. Fox Strangways in Sammelbande dere Internationalen in Musik-Gesellschaft, 1907–08, pp. 449–516, Bräitkopf & Hartel, Leipzig.

Treats of the underlying principles of Indian melodies and the connection between Greek and Indian music.

24. The Psychology of Music, by H. P. Krishna Rao, Mysore, 1916. Wesleyan Mission Press, Mysore, pp. 71, Re. 1-4-0.

An interesting description of the emotions associated with musical notes and melodies.

25. Theory of Indian Music as expounded by Somanātha, by K. B. Deval, Poona, 1916. Arya Bhushan Press, Poona. pp. 64.

An introduction to the musical scale of India and an explanation, according to the author's view, of many verses from the Rāgavibodha. His explanation is not accepted by other scholars and musicians.

26. Report of First Indian Musical Conference. Held at Baroda in 1916. Published at Baroda, 1917. Baroda Printing Works, pp. 63.

Contains summaries of papers and discussions.

27. Indian Music, by Mrs. R. M. Dunkelberger, Rentichintala. Article in Gospel Witness, Guntur. February 1917.

A general account of Indian music.