Page:The Mysterious Warning - Parsons (1796, volume 1).djvu/155

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The next day the old man was absent, and Ferdinand rightly conjectured he was about making preparations for her departure. He kept his eye on her apartment, his heart was in great agitations, he found the "awful voice" had effectually terrified Claudina, and that her resolution was taken; he could not but applaud her fortitude, though he was overwhelmed with anguish. Sometimes it occurred to him as very extraordinary, that having resided several months together after his father's death in that house, in that same apartment, without the least disturbance; why now, after so much time had elapsed, a supernatural being should command him to 'fly from her arms, as he would avoid sin and death." The more he reflected, the more he was puzzled, the whole was so very wonderful, so much exceeding credibility, that he was sometimes tempted to think it was all illusion; but then the proofs returned, Claudina heard the last fatal command as well as himself, there could be no doubt of it: If then he admitted the one, he could not be