Page:The Mysterious Warning - Parsons (1796, volume 1).djvu/156

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mistaken in the other: Had his brother then a 'corrupt heart?' His brother, who had ever been his friend, the protector of his wife and children, whose conduct had ever appeared so fair, so open? Then he recollected his information from Ernest, and other circumstances, as a counterbalance to those acts of generosity. Puzzled, lost in conjecture, and miserably unhappy, Ferdinand passed that day and night, having inquired, previous to his retiring, how his wife did, and heard that she was much better, but desired to be undisturbed; they will then proceed on their plan, thought he, in a day or two, and it behoves me to be attentive to their motions.

The morning came, weak and unrefreshed, he threw on his clothes, and proceeded to the gallery, which communicated with Claudina's apartment, there he met Ernest:—"Return, Sir (said he) if you please, to your apartment, I wish to speak to you."—Ferdinand complied; they entered, and shut the door. "Now, my dear master, collect