Page:The Mysterious Warning - Parsons (1796, volume 1).djvu/276

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banditti, and two horsemen laying dead in the road. The appearance of myself and servants, who sped towards them, caused the villains to desist, and provide for their own safety. It was in vain to attempt pursuing them, as through the closeness of the wood they might elude our observation, I therefore hastened to the carriage where a young Lady sat, who had thrown herself upon the bosom of a man to all appearance dead or dying. When she raised her head, never shall I forget the moment that decided my future destiny, and ruined my peace for ever! When she turned her eyes upon me, Heavens! what were my sensations! until that luckless hour a stranger to the captivating charms of beauty, a blaze of charms dressed in the fascination of tears and sorrow, and which conveyed a thousand tender ideas to a susceptible heart: She held out one of her lovely hands, 'Save him, O, save my father!' she cried in a voice of softest melody, 'or pierce my bosom also!'—O, the remembrance of that moment of