Page:The Mysterious Warning - Parsons (1796, volume 1).djvu/277

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delight, pregnant with years of ceaseless misery! O, beautiful, false, enchanting, destructive charmer! Woman, vile abandoned woman! but I will be calm, am I not revenged? Yes, and that exquisite satisfaction shall attend me to my grave!

Let me proceed: Under a delirium of sudden rapture I exerted myself with uncommon alacrity, having prevailed on her to quit the chaise, I entered it, and found the Gentleman had received a wound in his breast, whether dangerous or not I could not know, I perceived he still lived, and having sent off a servant to procure the attendance of a surgeon, I entreated the Lady to go on to my Castle in the carriage, whilst my vassals formed a kind of litter, to carry the wounded man much easier than the motion of the wheels would admit of. She acquiesced in every request with the warmest expressions of gratitude for my attention to her parent; every tender look, every gentle word, twined itself about my heart, and confirmed me a wretch for ever!