Page:The Mysterious Warning - Parsons (1796, volume 4).djvu/243

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Turning to Ferdinand, Claudina then was my brother's child, and I have an interest in your sweet boy.

Ferdinand was deeply engaged in revolving Dupree's story. Quickly recollecting himself, said he, "You say, that you left us suddenly to spare Claudina the pain of parting; but was it necessary to rob us, to carry off the few valuables we had, and leave us in distress? Was it consistent with your love for her, never to write, or give any account of yourself?"

"What (said the Count) was you robbed?"

"Yes (answered Ferdinand) on rising one morning we found the door on the latch, and the drawers emptied."

"I know nothing of that (said Dupree) I cannot answer for any person's getting into the house after I left it."

"But you shall answer for it (cried the Count, with joy dancing in his eyes.) Within there!" The officers entered, and instantly seized all